1.Inner wall 2.Izovat thermal insulation boards 3.Plate dowel 4.Air interlayer (b ≥ 40 мм) 5.Exterior cladding
application area
Three-layered brickwork thermal insulation is most common in private construction. Izovat thermal insulation boards should be fixed by anchores. An air interlayer should be present between the outer wall and insulation not less, than 40mm.

1.Inner wall 2.Izovat thermal insulation boards 3.Plate dowel 5.Wind-shield 6.Elements of the ventilated facade structure 7. Protective-decor elements
application area
Insulation of facades with facing industrial elements and ventilated layer arrangement (ventilated facades) – is the most technological system of Insulation. Due to the wide choice of finishing materials many architectural solutions can be implemented. Single-layer solution is formed by Izovat 65, Izovat 80 or Izovat 80 FG. Outer layer of the double-layer solution is formed by Izovat 80 FG, Izovat 80 FG, inner layer is formed by Izovat 40. Izovat 80 FG insulation boards are covered with the glass fiber. They don`t need extra wind-shield and are characterized by high resistance to degradation.

1.Outer wall 2.Adhessive layer 3.Izovat thermal insulation boards 4.Plate dowel 5.1st protective layer 6.Reinforced glassnet 7.2nd protective layer 8.Protective-decor layer
application area
Plaster finished facades insulation is the most economically benefit system of thermal insulation.
Insulation of low-rise buildings is appropriate to perform by Izovat 115 boards. Protective layer of the façade system should be:
- at least 3 mm when using thin-layer decorative plaster,
- at least 5 mm before painting the surface.